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19 Feb 2014

my craft book see for you

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creative paper quilling ideas

my craft book see for you

Scrapbooks, Cards, Home Accents & More

                                 The New Paper Quilling: Creative Techniques for Scrapbooks
                                                   Cards, Home Accents & More  $ 9.55


 New Ideas and Innovative Techniques book

The Art and Craft of Entertaining The Art and Craft of Entertaining
Where do I begin? That's the question we start with when thinking about throwing a party -- and for many of us, that's the question we end with, too. We may like the idea of entertaining friends and family in our home, but the details -- those how to's of planning the party, making the food, and playing hostess -- can quickly overwhelm us, prompting us to tuck away the idea, waiting for another, better time. But it doesn't have to be that way. With The Art and Craft of Entertaining, author Kimberly Kennedy provides all the information and inspiration you need to plan, organize, and carry out a successful no-stress event. Marry some of her ideas with your own, and you'll be on the way to developing your style, gaining confidence as a hostess and elsewhere in your life. Whether you're throwing a cocktail party, a baby shower, or an intimate dinner for two, The Art and Craft of Entertaining will take you there, step-by-step. Instructive and encouraging, this essential book lays the groundwork for entertaining with style, demonstrating how to craft a perfect invitation for any occasion, organize your supplies into versatile and efficient arsenals, and plan a satisfying meal without breaking your budget. The Art and Craft of Entertaining shows how to mix passion with planning so that you can throw the party of your dreams. Inspiration without intimidation. That's The Art and Craft of Entertaining.

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